Antonio Marquez
I am a test engineer specialized in technical testing: performance and automation testing using the standardize commercial and open source tools (Selenium, Jmeter, RobotFramework, cucumber, UFT ... ).

Benefits of software automation

The creation of a software is a complicated process, which takes hours of work in its development to achieve a really useful end result that fulfills the task for which it is designed. In this sense, part of the development process includes tests, that is, the software must be subjected to different tests to verify its operation under certain conditions, which leads to a detailed evaluation to determine if it fulfills all its tasks and responds to user requests.

So when it comes to testing, there are different ways to do it, and currently, there is a very efficient and innovative method when it comes to checking how the software works. These are automated tests, these are carried out using other software and have different benefits. Some of these are listed below:

  1. Faster results: Automated tests dramatically accelerate the speed with which results are obtained since they prevent a team of people from sitting for hours in front of the computer performing manual tests. In addition, for very complex software it is very complicated and would take too much time to fully carry out all the necessary manual tests.
  2. More reliable and efficient results: Manual testing is inevitably subject to human error for obvious reasons. So when it comes to automated testing done by software the margin of error is dramatically reduced. Furthermore, there are specific processes that manual tests cannot test without being under certain specific conditions; without a doubt, these limitations are eliminated when using automated tests.
  3. Cost Reduction: Using automated software testing results in less testing time, plus a smaller team is required by eliminating a task for human staff. All this means a reduction in financial costs for the development process. (This is a very controversial topic as if automation is not carried out correctly, automation could worsen the cost of the project)
  4. Optimal problem detection: automated tests produce more efficient results in less time, in addition to this, it generates more detailed error reports, making solving them much easier, thus reducing the time spent in the reconfiguration process.
  5. Objectivity in the results: when evaluating through automated software tests, the results are more reliable since they are not subject to the criteria of the human person who may have objectivity biased by the effort they have invested in the development work. Thus, results that are closer to the truth will be achieved.


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